“Fire Therapy”

Familia alrededor de la chimenea de leña

The cold is just around the corner, and we are getting ready to face the harsh winter. The rise in gas and electricity prices is making us look for alternatives for the future, such as fire and firewood. We talked about the importance of firewood as a renewable energy and all the benefits it brings to the environment in a previous post.

Increasingly, buying wood-burning stoves and fireplaces is the order of the day in single-family homes as a support for conventional heating systems. They use wood from holm oak, oak, beech and many other types, resulting in the consumption of biomass.

What is fire therapy?

Fire therapy encompasses the different biomass heating systems. Its name can be misleading, as it is not a “therapy” as such. Having a fireplace or wood-burning stove at home is, of course, a luxury. Not because it is expensive, but because fire has “therapeutic power”.

Cosy atmosphere around the fireplace

Fire therapy is sitting and letting yourself be carried away by the crackling of the wood and the fire. We all agree that fire has hypnotic power, don’t we? This, for many people, is a feeling of peace and tranquility, a moment of serenity, and hence the term “fire therapy”. In addition, sitting in front of a fire also gives a feeling of a cosy home, harmony, and security, which no other product can give us.

Family around the wood-burning fireplace

Another of the bases of fire therapy is that it gives value to social relationships. It may seem silly, but it has been proven that fire invites people to open up with their friends and family, to tell stories, problems and worries. People with fire feel comfortable and feel at home.

Buy your wood burning stoves at Panadero

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